Napkin Sketch Paris

In preparation for Paris, we created two sets of napkin sketch packets. One was passed out Tuesday morning at breakfast and intended to be collected on Friday morning; the other was passed out on Friday morning and was intended to be collected back in Lacoste at Sunday brunch.

This was an optimistic plan.

After all, WE WERE IN PARIS!

Distribution of the packets went smoothly, but collection was sporadic. Less than ten packets were returned to us while in Paris, and only one was submitted once we returned to Lacoste. Despite the low response rate, we received some fantastic submissions.

 “The Potato of Paris”

“KILL French people”

“Go away Pablo. I’m eating.”


Overall enthusiasm for the napkin sketch workshops seems to have lagged, so we are going to discontinue them. In their lieu, we will plan another style of workshop to share with the SCAD Lacoste community.

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